Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wilton's Newest Convert

I thought that while battling a vicious case of hiccups (do you know how hard it is to type with the hiccups?) and catching up on the Britney Spears episode of Glee, I would fill you in on the Wilton cake decorating class I took. A few months back (okay, it was in Spring), my good friend the Frugal Homemaker asked if I would be interested in taking the class. Umm...let me think about it...YEAH!!! So, after an hour long phone call later, I found out that we'd already missed the first class. So disappointed. When I found out that they were doing the classes at Hobby Lobby (a.k.a. my second home) for 50% off, I squealed like a 12 year old at a Beiber concert.
Here's why:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The First Ever Post!!!

Hi and welcome to the first post of what I hope will turn out to be a fabulous blog!

Introductions first. My name is Tabitha. I'm a stay-at-home-mom of one remarkable little girl named Zara. I love to bake, to craft, to paint, to make jewelry, and am learning to sew. I have a tremendous love of reading, which tends to add up on my credit card. Whatever. I'm coming up on my eighth wedding anniversary. Seán, my husband, is the love of my life and a seriously talented writer. Let's hope he'll agree to guest blog at some point. Seán, Zara, our three cats and I live in a tiny town in West Virginia. You've never heard of it. lol


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